14’ Cabin skiff
This boat was born out of spending lots of years restoring strip built, mechanically fastened Thomson, Shell Lake, and Larson rowboats. As these boats age, they get tougher to work on in a way that makes sense, both economically and in trying to find an appropriate intersection between new and old.
16’ Tunejolle
Square sterned, beamy, and with a high forward sheer that is as practical as it is graceful. The real beauty of these boats is just how they are boiled down the essentials. All unnecessary wood has been omitted. This boat will put you in touch with your ancestors, where they were Scandinavian or not.
14’ Faering
Another boat with a direct line to Scandinavia, this is a 14’ faering I built initially for a customer with very specific boathouse size parameter. With grown crook “keip” style rowlocks and square loomed oars, this boat is as fun to use as she is to look at.